A story that began since 2017 with the vision of two visionary and young dynamic friend who launched IZAPO brand in India, has now become a tale of success spanning in sensational 4 years.
The STG GROUP incorporated in 2021 after successful journey of brand and customer centric approach embedded its focus on growth and diversification, with an undeterred belief in excellence and reliability, The STG GROUP India impressive product portfolio has evolved magnificently over the years. Expanding its presence across India and International market, today it has a strong establishment in high growth sectors such as food and beverage and Tobacco industry and many more to fall in coming years.
Landing into entrepreneurship has been quite a journey for me. as a co-founder, I ensure that all the business objectives are met and leads the strategic development, overall direction, and management of STG Dream India Private Limited
Mr. Sanjay
Before becoming a business owner, I ensured that all the boxes are ticked so that I can successfully live and fulfill all the objectives. As a co-founder, I am completely responsible for STG Dream business lines and product portfolios, as well as sales and marketing activities across India.
Mr. Tanweer
Our leadership approach is distinctly STG Dream India. We set a clear, rigorous course for developing leaders and growth in every business and region, at every level. As a result, our diverse leadership team is shaping our future with an extensive range of knowledge, experience, and expertise to improve consumers’ lives today and into the future
To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product globally. Nurturing a winning network of partners and building mutual loyalty Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.